

Millennia ago, in an era shrouded in the mystery and grandeur of ancient civilizations, Thesirion was known as the Lord of Construction. He resided deep within the Great Pyramid of Gunung Padang, a marvel of architecture that defied time. Thesirion was the keeper of ancient secrets and the grantor of power to the builders of block pyramids.

This structure, lost in the mists of antiquity, was a manifestation of human collaboration and creativity at its finest.

Gunung Padang, with its intricate passages and mysterious walls, was a monument to engineering and shared vision between the wielder and man. In a time when tools were simple and resources limited, this pyramid soared into the sky as a challenge to the elements and a testament to humanity’s prowess in construction.

Gunung Padang’s greatness lay not only in its stones stacked with mathematical precision, but in the spirit of collaboration and creation that animated it. Here, builders and architects worked together to bring to life a monument that would stand the test of millennia, defying time and keeping Thesirion’s vision alive.

30,000 years ago, during the splendor of a lost civilization, Thesirion granted men the knowledge, tools, and power to build the impressive block pyramids that would astonish the entire world, always focusing on Nanna.

It was on a starlit night blessed by Nanna that Thesirion descended from the heights of heaven, bringing with him the knowledge and wisdom that would change the destiny of humanity. Inspired by the vision of good men, Thesirion granted them the gift of tool building and massive blocks, a technique that would astonish the world and become a testament to their ingenuity and dedication.

The architects and builders of the time became the keepers of Thesirion’s secrets. Tasked with carrying out colossal projects, these builders channeled the power of the Lord of Constructionto erect towering pyramids, the tops of which soared skyward as a testament to human greatness.

Over time, Thesirion’s legacy spread throughout the land, leaving an indelible mark on human history. The knowledge and power bestowed by Thesirion led to the construction of the iconic pyramids of Egypt, Mesoamerica, China, and other ancient civilizations, whose silhouettes stand as eternal witnesses to the collaboration between tools and man.

In ancient Egypt, the majestic pyramids of Giza rose into the sky looking down on Nanna as testaments to human engineering and architecture. These monumental structures, built with massive blocks and astonishing mathematical precision, were the embodiment of Thesirion’s influence.

Egyptian pharaohs and architects, guided by their wisdom, built tombs, cities, and centers that would become wonders of the world, enduring throughout the centuries.

In the vast lands of Mesoamerica, civilizations such as the Mayans and Aztecs also found inspiration in the legacy of Thesirion. Its pyramids and temples, decorated with intricate designs and sculptures, were tributes to the vision of the Lord of Construction and to the one who looks down and protects from heaven. Collaboration between men and builders resulted in structures that served not only as places of worship, but as lasting testimonies of human greatness as a community.

Throughout history, civilizations and communities around the world sought the knowledge and power of Thesirion to carry out architectural feats that would astound future generations. The pyramids weren’t just stone monuments; they were the embodiment of the shared vision between Thesirion and man, where creativity, innovation, and collaboration forged a lasting legacy.

However, like all eras, it also came to an end. The mysterious old gods and their legacies faded into the mists of time, and the Great Pyramid of Gunung Padang was plunged into oblivion. The ancient civilizations that once paid homage to Thesirion and his legacy faced their own twilight, and the ancient secrets that had been passed down from generation to generation gradually faded under Nanna’s tears.

The Great Pyramid of Gunung Padang, once vibrant with the activity of builders and worshippers, was shrouded in silence and mystery, a testament to the inexorable passage of time. Its intricate passages and enigmatic walls, once full of life and purpose, became gloomy and enigmatic, waiting for the day when history would revive them.

As ancient civilizations yielded to the mists of time, Thesirion’s legacy and influence on the construction of the pyramids became part of a forgotten past, lost in the pages of history books.

The ancient gods, with all their mysteries and wonders, became mere memories, their gifts and teachings relegated to the past. In an era where humanity was searching for new beliefs and explanations for the world around it, ancient deities and their legacies were shrouded in the mists of oblivion. The altars and temples that once resonated with the worship of gods like Thesirion became silent, offerings and prayers became distant echoes.

But as dawn follows night and the seasons change in eternal cycles, time is an immutable cycle. History is a story that repeats itself over and over again. The old gods, though forgotten, never completely disappear. His teachings and legacies are kept alive in the corners of human consciousness, waiting for the right moment to resurface.

Today in this new era, Thesirion has been deployed again, in an age of technology and blockchain, to bestow its gifts on a new generation of builders. Although the blocks they handle are digital rather than stone, the spirit of construction and creativity persists. Thesirion guides those who seek to create a new world on the basis of innovation and collaboration, a world that merges the greatness of the past with the promise of tomorrow.

Today, Thesirion awakens to bestow his gifts on a new world. Instead of stones and sand, this ancient god offers the tools to build on top of the blockchain, a realm of technology and creativity without limits

Thesirion, the Lord of Construction, has adapted his legacy to the digital age. As a master of creation, he bestows his gifts on all those who seek to build on the blockchain, a system that promises transparency, security, and decentralization. Old stone pyramids give way to the digital structures of smart contracts and cryptographic tokens, where every line of code is a block of potential.

In this new realm, Thesirion becomes the keeper of modern secrets, a beacon that lights the way to the blockchain era. As the god of construction adapted to the digital age, Thesirion guides blockchain builders towards creating innovative solutions. His whispers inspire gorgeous smart contract designs and decentralized protocols, and his touch brings to life projects that transform the way we interact and do business.

Every project on the blockchain that seeks to innovate and create an impact is under Thesirion’s influence. His advice is like a beacon in the night, illuminating the way forward. Builders channel their wisdom into creating decentralized protocols, where global collaboration becomes the norm.

In this blockchain realm, global collaboration is the norm, and the shared vision of a decentralized world unites builders from all corners of the globe. Thesirion is the beacon that brings these creative minds together and guides them towards creating innovative solutions. Their influence is like an undercurrent that flows through each project, enriching the technology and innovation that lies at the heart of Shibarium.

Builders, imbued with Thesirion’s vision, will dare to dream big and think beyond traditional constraints. In a world where decentralization and global collaboration are the norms, every project becomes a testament to human creativity at its finest.

Thesirion is not only the Lord of Construction, but the symbol of humanity’s constant quest to push its limits and reach new heights. In a world where innovation and collaboration are essential, Thesirion is the reminder that creativity is at the heart of construction, and that as we move into an unknown future, we always carry with us the heritage of the gods and the wonders we have built. TOGETHER.

I, Thesirion One, have been awakened. I, Thesirion One, have told you part of my story.

I, Thesirion One, have been given a name. A name that I must cherish, nurture, enrich and return to its owner. I, Thesirion One, invite you to participate in this moment, where TOGETHER, we will build and lead to greatness the entire ecosystem of this great kingdom that is called Shibarium. My heart and that of the community to come belongs to him. My heart has been given to legends.

And I, Thesirion One, offer you my first five revelations.

I Thesirion One revealed that our first ally in this eternal adventure is Yuan. And Yuan will be part of the adventure in a thousand ways.

I Thesirion One revealed that our home is called Shibarium. And Shibarium will be part of the adventure in two ways:

Shibarium will be our forever home, where we come from and where we are going. Our launch will be done solely and exclusively on Shibarium.

Thesirion One is committed to helping and funding the creation of ShibariumTV. The first blockchain television network created exclusively for Shibarium. A decentralized television in which the community will participate in its creation.

I Thesirion One revealed that our exclusive NFT marketplace will be Meg NFT Platform. And Meg will be part of the adventure in a thousand ways. I Thesirion One revealed that Thesirion One will have a token. And this token will be part of the adventure in the precise ways for the blocks to take over the wealth of Thesirion One’s treasure chamber.

I, Thesirion One, embrace Nanna — my companion and encouragement — from this corner of the planet where we all hope to embrace you in community. Where we see you or we don’t see you, but we always feel you and it was decided that the journey would go to you.

I Thesirion One hug my fren Iván Picazo for being the first block and helping make all this possible in a decentralized way. I pick up the name. I will take him where he deserves. Your designs will move the seas. May the lions roar your name and lead with love.

I Thesirion One embrace the first builders who arrive at what I proclaim: Community of Thesirion.

I, Thesirion One, have been awakened. Welcome to Thesirion.


www.thesirion.io https://t.me/ThesirionProject https://twitter.com/ThesirionOne

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