Equipment & Resouces

Equipment & Resources

Recruit or assign a team that includes blockchain developers, graphic designers, content writers, marketing and communications experts.Forming a strong and diversified team is crucial to Thesirion One's success as a crypto and token project.

Here's an overview of the key roles that need to be recruited or assigned on the team, as well as the resources needed to support initial operations

1. Blockchain Developer & Metaverse developers: ON THE TEAM

Responsibilities: Development and configuration of the smart contract of the Thesirion One token. Ensure the security and functionality of the smart contract. Implement the technical characteristics of the token.

2. Graphic Designer: ON THE TEAM

Responsibilities: Creation of visuals for brand identity, website, and promotions.Graphic content design for projects and collaborations, such as ShibaCals.Development of logos, iconography, and other visual assets.

3. Content Writer: ON THE TEAM

Responsibilities: Writing technical and promotional content, including whitepapers, manuals, and marketing documents. Creating content for the website and social media posts.Effective communication with the community and investors.

4. Marketing & Communications Expert: ON THE TEAM

Responsibilities: Development of marketing and promotional strategies to increase awareness and adoption of Thesirion One.Management of advertising campaigns and public relations strategies. Communication with potential investors and collaborators.

5. Community Manager: ON THE TEAM

Responsibilities: Building and managing an active community of token holders and followers. Interaction with the community through social media, forums, and other channels.Organization of events and participation activities.

6. Accountant or Financial Advisor: ON THE TEAM

Responsibilities: Management of project finances and budget. Planning and tracking expenses and revenues. Ensure financial transparency and compliance.


Acquisition of hardware and software necessary for the development and technical management of the project, such as servers, security tools, and development software.

8. Initial Budget:

Seed money to cover development, marketing and promotion, security audit, and other upfront expenses.

9. Online Platform and Website: IN DEVELOPMENT

Creation of a website and online platform for Thesirion One, including information about the project, token wallets, and community engagement features.

10. Initial Liquidity: Done and locked


Market Analysis: PERFORMING

Crypto market and competition. Identify opportunities and challenges.Conducting a market analysis on the Shibarium ecosystem and the crypto market in general is critical to understanding the opportunities and challenges that Thesirion One will face.

Shibarium Ecosystem Analysis: FACT

Shibarium Ecosystem: Understanding in detail the Shibarium ecosystem, which is the blockchain network on which Thesirion One operates. This includes research, its technology, protocols, associated projects, and community. Identify Partnerships: Identified and analyzed the partnerships and collaborations that Shibarium has with other crypto projects and companies. This can provide opportunities for future collaborations. Explore Tokens and Associated Projects: Researched other tokens and projects operating on Shibarium to understand their operation, market cap, and purpose. Development Trends: Identified key trends and developments in Shibarium, such as network upgrades, emerging technologies, and high-profile projects.

Competitor Analysis: DONE

Direct Competitors: Identified and analyzed two projects that offer services similar to those of Thesirion One, such as corporate image creation in the crypto space. Feature Comparison: Comparing the features and competitive advantages of Thesirion One relative to its competitors, highlighting what makes it unique. Market Cap: Evaluated market capitalization and competitor adoption to understand their market reach.

Overall Crypto Market Analysis: FACT

Market Trends: Identified general crypto market trends such as NFT adoption, DeFi, Web3, and other key concepts. Regulations: Investigate crypto regulations in the relevant regions, which may influence Thesirion One's operation and compliance. Cryptocurrency Adoption: Assessed the adoption of cryptocurrencies and tokens in general, as well as public awareness and interest in blockchain technology and cryptography. Demand for Crypto Services: Identified the demand for corporate image design services in the crypto market and determined how Thesirion One can meet those needs.

Opportunities and Challenges: DONE

Collaboration Opportunities: Identified opportunities for strategic collaborations with related or complementary projects in the crypto space. Regulatory Challenges: Recognized potential regulatory challenges that could arise and developed strategies to comply with local and international laws. Differentiation Strategies: Defined clear strategies to differentiate Thesirion One from the competition and highlight its unique value proposition. Marketing Strategies: Developed effective marketing strategies to increase awareness and adoption of Thesirion One in the market. Continuous Technical Development: Recognized the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technological developments in the crypto space.

This market analysis provides valuable insights for strategic decision-making and planning for Thesirion One. It helps identify opportunities that can be seized and challenges that need to be addressed as the project moves forward in the crypto market and the Shibarium ecosystem.

Last updated